Autistic people’s experiences with mental health services: An umbrella review
Over twice as many autistic people than non-autistic people are diagnosed with a mental health condition, but few access mental health services, leading to unmet mental healthcare needs. Autism-tailored programs and pathways within services are needed. An umbrella review is best suited to informing such programs and pathways as it provides multi-faceted, rather than single-stranded, insight. This umbrella review is the first to synthesise and evaluate the literature relating to autistic people’s mental health service experiences.
Adams, D., Malone, S., Colville, O. Carroll, A. Simpson, K., D’Arcy, E., Girdler, S. & Lawson, W. (2023). Autistic People’s Experiences with Mental Health Services: An Umbrella Review [Poster]. ASfAR Conference 2023, 6 December. Australasian Society for Autism Research.