Co-producing holistic proxy-and self-report assessment of functioning tools based on the International Classification of Functioning, Disability & Health (ICF) Core Sets for Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)
There is currently no widely accepted assessment of functioning tool taking a holistic approach to capturing ability and disability in autism. The ICF Core Sets for autism have recently been developed for infants, children, and adults (Bölte et al., 2019). The ICF Core Sets provide comprehensive descriptions of functioning relevant to autism across the lifespan, but may be difficult for autistic individuals and their families to interpret.
Hayden-Evans, M., D’Arcy, E., Evans, K., Milbourn, B., Chamberlain, A., Whitehouse, A., Eapen, V., Phillips, S., Bölte, S. & Girdler, S. (2020).Co-producing holistic proxy-and self-report assessment of functioning tools based on the International Classification of Functioning, Disability & Health (ICF) Core Sets for Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) [Poster]. International Society for Autism Research 2020 Annual Meeting, 3 June, virtual. International Society for Autism Research.