A picture of three children at different ages with different support needs. The text: National Framework for assessing children's function strengths and support needs

The Framework is being co-produced with community and professional organisations, with engagement from the Australian Government Department of Education, Australian Government Department of Health and Aged Care, Australian Government Department of Social Services, and the National Disability Insurance Agency.

Community and professional organisations

Organisation Representative
Allied Health Professionals Australia Amanda Curran
Audiology Australia Leanne Emerson
Australasian Society for Developmental Paediatrics Louise Butler
Australian Association of Psychologists Inc Amanda Curran
Australian Association of Special Education Sally Howell
Australian Dental Association Mihiri Silva,
Giselle D’Mello
Australian Government Department of Education Kathryn Anthonisz
Australian Government Department of Health and Aged Care Tully Rosen
Australian Government Department of Social Services Caroline Grassia
Australian Multicultural Health Collaborative Omar Al-Ani
Australian Physiotherapy Association Kristy Nicola
Australian Psychological Society Sara Quinn
Carers Australia Cathy O'Toole
Children and Young People with Disability Australia Skye Kakoschke-Moore
Indigenous Allied Health Australia Tara Lewis
National Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Organisation (NACCHO) Thea Dunkley
National Disability Insurance Agency Peter de Natris
National Rural Health Alliance Susanne Tegen
Occupational Therapy Australia Ailsa Leslie
Optometrists Association Australia - Optometry Australia Ursula White
People with Disability Australia Clare Gibellini
ReImagine Australia Yvonne Keane,
Domenica Decrea
Royal Australian College of General Practitioners Dr James Best
Speech Pathology Australia Erin West
The Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Psychiatrists Prof Valsamma Eapen

The organisations were invited to contribute based on the fact that they bring views, perspectives, and experience that is directly relevant to the development of the Framework including in relation to children’s health, learning, participation, and wellbeing; lived expertise of disability, and supporting people with disabilities; Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples; and culturally and linguistically diverse communities.

We acknowledge that there is an extensive community of organisations, not included in this list, that are highly relevant and important to the health, learning, participation, and wellbeing of children and warmly invite all organisations to share their views via the community consultation process.