2020-21 Annual Report now available

4 Nov 2021
Read the 2020-21 annual report

Autism CRC’s 2020-21 Annual Report is now available. The report summarises the work undertaken by our national and international collaboration, and its impact across the lifespan for our end-user community – autistic individuals and their families, as well as those professionals and organisations that work to support them.

As this Annual Report describes, over the past eight years, we have seen the research, development and effective national implementation of approaches, tools and platforms for:

  • identification, assessment and diagnosis, and supports focussed on an individual’s goals, strengths and challenges;
  • inclusive capacity-building for educators and schools, health professionals, employers and service providers; and
  • autistic individuals and their families as they pursue their own goals and interests over life’s journey.

We have also seen the development of major research assets that might continue to underpin the development of new and enhanced evidence-based practice from early childhood to the school years to adolescent and adult life.

Thanks to all those who have contributed to our activities and outcomes. It is only through the collaborative efforts of all that so much has been achieved and value created in order that autistic people might be empowered to use their diverse strengths and interests.

We hope you enjoy this year’s summary.

Read the 2020-21 annual report

Request a hardcopy by emailing info@autismcrc.com.au