National Autism Strategy

28 Nov 2022

The coming year is one of major opportunity for many, with the development of a National Autism Strategy getting underway. The 2022-23 Federal Budget announced the Better Support for People with Disability package in October. This package includes the previously announced $2 million for Autism CRC, with part of that funding to provide for Autism CRC’s support of the Strategy development. The balance of the funding will be used to maintain and expand Autism CRC’s evidence-based practice platforms and associated capacity-building resources.

Autism CRC is very pleased to be supporting the development of the National Autism Strategy, working with the sector and the government. There is much ground to cover if a coordinated national approach to better services, supports and life outcomes is to be delivered.

As the work towards the Strategy commences, Autism CRC will be providing a picture of research and practice evidence as an input to Strategy considerations, as well as assisting the co-design process to be used in its development. 

We look forward to working with government and all stakeholders in the Strategy’s development, timely delivery, and implementation for the benefit of autistic Australians and their families.