New tailored undergraduate eLearning lecture debuts at UniSA

27 Apr 2023

UniSA’s allied health students will be the first in Australia to learn how to implement the National Guideline for the Assessment and Diagnosis of Autism, as the University becomes the first hosting partner of Autism CRC’s tailored undergraduate eLearning lecture and activity.

Developed by Autism CRC, the specialised training package will ensure that undergraduate students studying speech pathology, psychology, and occupational therapy, clearly understand the key elements of the assessment and diagnosis of the autism pathway, as outlined in the National Guideline.

National Guideline is the first unified approach to the assessment and diagnosis of autism in Australia.

Autism spectrum disorder is a complex developmental condition that can affect how a person thinks, feels, learns, and interacts with others and the world around them. It can be characterised by difficulties in social interaction and communication, non-traditional play behaviours, heightened emotions or sensory experiences, and uneven thinking patterns, but presents differently in every individual.

An estimated one in 70 people are believed to be on the autism spectrum in Australia.

Paediatric speech pathologist and lecturer, UniSA’s Kady Moraby, says the teaching package will ensure UniSA graduates immediately have the skills they need when they enter the workforce.

"Delivering quality allied health education is not only about imparting knowledge, but also about shaping compassionate and skilled healthcare professionals,” Moraby says.

“Autism CRC’s National Guideline defines clinical best practice for working professionals across Australia, in order to improve diagnostic practices and consistency”.

“As the first hosting partner of Autism CRC’s undergraduate teaching program, our graduates will have the most up-to-date, evidence-based information and knowledge of the assessment process and clinical pathway.

“This is a step forward to ensure our students are job-ready and able to support individuals and their families to receive the very best possible care.”

About the training package

Autism CRC's eLearning Lecture and Activity for undergraduate learners, Implementing the National Guideline for the Assessment and Diagnosis of Autismis available to any interested Australian university.

The eLearning lecture and activity are designed to be flexible and can be delivered in multiple ways, either self-paced online, lecturer-led, workshop style, or a blended delivery approach. Importantly, the lecture activity provides opportunities for engagement and collaboration across allied health courses giving students the opportunity to experience a consensus team setting.

With the integration of a Professor Andrew Whitehouse avatar and clear learning objectives, students are provided with an overview of the entire clinical pathway from initiating a referral to sharing findings. Each lesson is linked back to the Recommendations included within the National Guideline.

Content is presented within an innovative eLearning software that can be easily downloaded onto most Learning Management Systems (LMS); the course is also Web Content Accessibility Guideline (WCAG) compliant.

For hosting information, please contact Autism CRC at