Sylvia Rodger Academy Program update and evaluation reports released

14 Sep 2023

Autism CRC’s Sylvia Rodger Academy has recently completed delivery of the Autistic Identity and Connection Program, as well as published evaluation reports for three of its Programs. An initiative of Autism CRC, the Sylvia Rodger Academy delivers nationwide programs aimed at empowering autistic adults.

The Sylvia Rodger Academy has recently wrapped the Autistic Identity and Connection Program, with delivery to the online-only groups completed 11 August. The Autistic Identity and Connection Program was developed by and for autistic adults who would like to have a more complete understanding of what it means to be autistic and connect with other autistic people and community. Feedback from participants has so far been overwhelmingly positive, with one graduate commenting:

It has changed my life... I no longer question my diagnosis. I am more aware of myself and my needs. I have learnt many accommodations I can make in my life to make things easier on myself. Mostly I learnt it's OK to be autistic and I am moving into a space where I want to be autistic and proud and educate others on autism.” 

28 participants have now graduated the Program and are Sylvia Rodger Academy alumni. This was the first time this Program has been delivered, as well as the first Academy Program to be delivered in two streams (online only, and online with a residential workshop). Evaluation of the Program is now under way. You can find out more about the Program on the Sylvia Rodger Academy website.

In addition, evaluation reports have been released for the following Programs:

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