Finding a place in the workplace and in the community

The two different but clearly interlinked sub-projects within this project were:

  1. Effective vocational decision making tool development
  2. Integrated employment success tool development

Researchers aimed to achieve the following project objectives:

  • To identify individual strengths and vocational abilities to assist autistic adolescents and adults in vocational decision making, culminating in an educational vocational assessment protocol
  • To identify key factors required for successful supported and open employment in order to develop an Integrated Employment Success Tool (IEST) that facilitates successful employment outcomes in existing, and yet to be established, jobs

Outcomes from this initial research led to the development and release of The Integrated Employment Success Tool (IEST): An evidence-based guide for employers of autistic adults, and investment in the utilisation project BOOST-A: from research to practice.

The Integrated Employment Success Tool (IEST)

The Integrated Employment Success Tool is an evidence-based guide for employers of autistic adults. The PDF manual is presented according to the phases of employment starting at advertising the job, through to the interview process, job commencement, workplace modification and how to maintain ongoing support. Each phase includes information on specific workplace requirements, tips and advice, questions to consider and much more, all designed to assist in developing, modifying and/or maintaining your inclusive workplace.

The Integrated Employment Success Tool is available by registering at our resource access page.

Project code
Project Leader(s)
  • Torbjorn Falkmer, Curtin University
Project status