2023 Research Priority Update: Focus on five research priority areas

Published January 2024

This project represents a continuation of work previously conducted by the Australasian Autism Research Council (AARC) in 2019, that identified the top ten autism research priorities for Australia. In 2021, the AARC produced a report that provided additional details on the views of the autistic and autism community related to five of the ten research areas. Our research team was asked to engage with the autistic and autism community to provide more detail and specific areas of focus related to the other five research priority areas. These were:

  • Choice of living and housing
  • Family and carer support
  • Gender, diversity and inclusion
  • Health and disability services delivery
  • Built environment.

Therefore, this report presents the views and experiences of members of the autistic and autism communities in relation to the five priority areas. It represents a process to co-create a snapshot of needs in these areas, presenting the autistic voice as central to the decision on research priorities.